Company Profile

Name of Company TESS Engineering Co., Ltd.
Established May, 1979
Paid up Capital ¥100,000,000
Representative Director and President Toshihiro Takasaki
Head Office

17th Fl. Shin-Osaka Prime Tower
6-1-1 Nishinakajima Yodogawa-ku Osaka
532-0011 Osaka Japan
TEL:06-6308-2073 FAX:06-6308-0948

Business Outline Management consultation to introduce environmental protection/energy saving systems, engineering, procurement, construction, maintenance, 24 hours operation monitoring, supporting operation management by "Energr Management System", energy supply services, PPS (Power Producer and Supplier) business, power generation by renewable energy
<Contractor's License>
License # 25685 - Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (S-6)
∗ Civil engineering work ∗ Construction Works
∗ Construction/Earthmoving Works ∗ Roofing Works
∗ Electrical Works ∗ Piping Works
∗ Steel Structuring Works ∗ Plating Works
∗ Painting Works ∗ Waterproofing Works
∗ Machinery Installation Works ∗ Dismantling Works
<The Offices of Registered Architects>
License # 23366 - Governor of Osaka Prefecture
Share Holder TESS Holding Co., Ltd. (100%)
Group Companies Please follow the link provided below.
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Acquisition status of ISO certifications Environment Management System (ISO14001Certification)
Quality Control Management Systems (ISO9001Certification)
Information Security Management Systems (ISO27001Certification)